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HomeCivics 101 Programs

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Sign up now for our 2025 Civics 101 signature mini-series about Local and State government!


Never before has it been so important to be informed about local government and to understand how it works in North Carolina.

Our lives are busy and demanding, making it challenging to stay well informed on public issues important to the health and well-being of our community. Fortunately, The League of Women Voters of Charlotte Mecklenburg is committed to making it easier for our Charlotte residents to better understand how our local government works, how it overlaps with our state government and how we, as residents, can become better informed and perhaps, even inspire some of us to run for office. 

Sign up today and learn how you can participate to make sure your voice is heard.

Adults - $50 - 2025 Civics 101 - Winter Program Adult Registration 
Students - free - 2025 Civics 101 - Winter Program Student Registration 

What is Civics 101?

Since 1995, Civics 101 has been a source of comprehensive and concise insight into the structures and processes of local and state government across Mecklenburg County. The League of Women Voters of Charlotte Mecklenburg, in collaboration with local government and elected officials, designed this series to share insights on how local government works and how residents can effectively engage as a resident of our community. By the end of the program, you will:

• understand how local government works
• be able to identify which government departments to contact when you need help
• know where to direct your energy to inspire change

Civics 101 is a seven-week program which consists of a weekly Wednesday evening session covering aspects of local government.

Mecklenburg County Board of Elections
6:00 - 8:30 PM
Government Center
600 E. 4th Street
Room 280
City of Charlotte Government
6:00 - 8:30 PM
Government Center
600 E. 4th Street
Room 280
Mecklenburg County Government
6:00 - 8:30 PM
Government Center
600 E. 4th Street
Room 280
NC Courts (26th District)
6:00 - 8:30 PM
Government Center
600 E. 4th Street
Room CH-14
CMS Board of Education
6:00 - 8:30 PM
Government Center
600 E. 4th Street
Room 280
State Government
6:00 - 8:30 PM
Government Center
600 E. 4th Street
Room 280
Local Media
6:00 - 8:30 PM
Government Center
600 E. 4th Street
Room 280

Civics 101 Details and Registration

The 2025 Civics 101 sessions will be held on February 19th, 26th, March 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th and April 2nd in Room 280 at the Government Center, 600 E. 4th Street, Charlotte, NC 28202.

Registrants can sign up for in-person or virtually (via Zoom) but it is recommended to attend in-person as there are great opportunities to network with fellow attendees as well as with the featured speakers and panelists.

Each session will be led by current members of local government or, for the media panel, local journalists. Attendees will enjoy engaging sessions with live Q&As, polls, quizzes, refreshments and more!


Adults - $50 - 2025 Civics 101 - Winter Program Adult Registration 
Students - free - 2025 Civics 101 - Winter Program Student Registration 

This fee supports the execution of the Civics 101 program only.  Your support makes it possible to deliver the program and offer it free of charge to students.




What You’ll Learn

Knowing the correct processes is the first step toward participating as an informed resident. For example:

  • Did you know that funding for public school teacher salaries and expenses per student comes from the State of North Carolina, not Mecklenburg County?
  • However, did you know that Mecklenburg County is responsible for funding all the school buildings and facilities? (And because of our great need for school facility improvements in Mecklenburg County, that’s why the League of Women Voters of Charlotte-Mecklenburg advocated for the successful $2.5 billion school bond referendum in the Nov. 7, 2023 election.)
  • Did you know that you can watch all Mecklenburg County Commission and Charlotte City Council meetings on GovTV streamed live? Or later, through recordings on the government website? You can even review the agenda and fast-forward to the section you are interested in viewing.

Civics 101 History

Civics 101 was conceived of as a “good idea” by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg League more than a quarter century ago for an initial audience of League members to address the expressed desire to learn more about how local government really works. It was a hit!

We held the first public session anticipating at most 20 people would participate. However, LWVCM was astounded by the 65 people who attended the first program. Their enthusiasm confirmed our commitment to educate new voters, new arrivals, and even longtime residents through a mini “civics class series” that is easily accessible.

Our new hybrid format allows for even more participants. In fact, the Civics 101 registration increased by 87% from 2022 to 2023 with the new virtual and in-person options.


"As a new American in North Carolina, taking Civics 101 was an amazing opportunity and experience. Each session gave me a deeper comprehension of how the government functions in the United States, especially within my country and the state of North Carolina. One of my favorite sessions focused on the NC Court (District 26) and how it impacts the lives of so many in the county. I was impressed with how the panel responded to our questions with kindness and a sincere desire to ensure that everyone was heard and understood.

Without a doubt, this is one of the best programs that can be offered in Mecklenburg country. It has been one of the most invaluable investments of my time. MORE than ever, I understand that my vote matters.

I am deeply grateful for the dedication and professionalism of the LWV in Charlotte."

Alba Patricia SanChez

Immigrant Welcoming Center

Manager, Latino American Coalition


As a 35-year-old resident of Charlotte and an alumna of the Charlotte City Civic Academy, I was amazed by the in-depth presentations that Civics 101 provided us. I knew many of the local government facts. However, I learned a plethora of information from the Mecklenburg County Courts class and the last class on Media Literacy and Panel discussion. Therefore, if you’re a new resident or a resident for many years, you will learn something new in the Civics 101 series. There is a call to action about the importance of voting throughout the sessions.

I loved the hybrid opportunities of the Civics 101 class.  


Maritza Ortiz,

CMS Bilingual Homebound Educator

Social Justice Activist


As a native Charlottean, I’ve witnessed our city and county’s growth and development throughout my lifetime. Even with this perspective, I was excited to embark on the learning adventure that is Civics 101. Each week’s session was engaging, informative, and purposeful in building participants’ awareness and understanding of government and community institutions and our collective opportunities and challenges. The format is unique in that each session offers a detailed overview of different civic systems, facilitated by those directly responsible for leadership, strategy, and decision-making. I’m grateful to the League of Women Voters for their commitment to grassroots education and advocacy by offering Civics 101 as a resource and an investment in the future of our community. 


Melani Harris McNinch

Senior Director, Healthcare Quality



"I relocated to Charlotte in 1986 and for years, I had attending Civics 101 on my list of things to do, interesting how life often sidetracks us. With the passing of years, I thought do I really need to participate in Civics 101? I was a Political Science major in college after all, what more could I gain? Fast forward and I became a LWVCM member in 2022 and in 2024, I finally participated in Civics 101. I was impressed with the depth of knowledge of the speakers and more importantly, I obtained greater hope and reassurance that our elected and appointed leaders are passionate about what they do and are committed to making our greater community a better place for us all. We all need to know how our government works and the importance of our role as a good citizen. My experience has come full circle, from being a participant in Civics 101 to now being a member of the Planning Committee."

Rita Heath

Atrium Health Lincoln

Director of Cardiopulmonary Services

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