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HomeCivics 101 Programs

Civics 101 is coming again in February-March 2025! Join Waitlist for our signature mini-series about Mecklenburg County government.

Never before has it been so important to be informed about local government in North Carolina and how you can participate to make sure your voice is heard. The League of Women Voters of Charlotte Mecklenburg, in collaboration with local officials, designed this series to share insights about how you can learn about how local government works and become involved more effectively as a resident of our community.

What is Civics 101?

Civics 101 is a free source of comprehensive and concise insight into the structures and processes of governance in Mecklenburg County. The six-week program consists of evening sessions once a week on these topics: Mecklenburg County Board of Elections, Mecklenburg County Government, Charlotte City Council, CMS Board of Education, Local Media, and North Carolina Courts.

The program is sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Charlotte-Mecklenburg and led by current government officials to give participants an overview of local government. Local journalists share a lively panel discussion regarding local media and its role in reporting government actions.

If you are a resident of Mecklenburg County living in the Charlotte Metropolitan area or its surrounding towns and want to learn more about how local government works, this program is for you.

By the end of the program, you will:

  • understand how local government works
  • be able to identify which government departments to contact when you need help
  • know where to direct your energy to inspire change.

Civics 101 Details

The 2025 Civics 101 session will be held tentatively on Wednesdays in February and March at the Government Center, 600 E. 4th Street, Charlotte, NC 28202. The program will also be offered virtually (via Zoom).

The program is sponsored by LWVCM and facilitated by League volunteers. Moderated by the League, each session will be led by current members of local government or, for the media panel, local journalists. Sessions will be offered with some recorded, but mostly live content. Participants will enjoy engaging sessions with live Q&As, polls, quizzes and more!



What You’ll Learn

Knowing the correct processes is the first step toward participating as an informed resident. For example:

  • Did you know that funding for public school teacher salaries and expenses per student comes from the State of North Carolina, not Mecklenburg County?
  • However, did you know that Mecklenburg County is responsible for funding all the school buildings and facilities? (And because of our great need for school facility improvements in Mecklenburg County, that’s why the League of Women Voters of Charlotte-Mecklenburg advocated for the successful $2.5 billion school bond referendum in the Nov. 7, 2023 election.)
  • Did you know that you can watch all Mecklenburg County Commission and Charlotte City Council meetings on GovTV streamed live? Or later, through recordings on the government website? You can even review the agenda and fast-forward to the section you are interested in viewing.

Civics 101 History

Civics 101 was conceived of as a “good idea” by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg League more than a quarter century ago for an initial audience of League members to address the expressed desire to learn more about how local government really works. It was a hit!

We held the first public session anticipating at most 20 people would participate. However, LWVCM was astounded by the 65 people who attended the first program. Their enthusiasm confirmed our commitment to educate new voters, new arrivals, and even longtime residents through a mini “civics class series” that is easily accessible.

Our new hybrid format allows for even more participants. In fact, the Civics 101 registration increased by 87% from 2022 to 2023 with the new virtual and in-person options.

“As a relatively new resident of Charlotte, attending Civics 101 was one of the best things I could have done for myself, my family and my neighbors. Our local government and systems play such an important role in our day to day lives, and while it can feel overwhelming to try to get caught up to speed, Civics 101 did the trick. Having the opportunity to not only learn about our governmental systems, but also talk directly with our leaders was priceless. I can't think of a better way to become a better, more informed citizen than by attending Civics 101. And it's FREE! What a great opportunity!”

Crystal Marie Grant McDaniels, Marketing Strategy & Insights Manager, Duke Energy


“I have lived in several cities and states in the US, and Canada, and government is different everywhere. Through Civics 101, I gained a better understanding of how things work in Charlotte, and much more than I had expected. The three things I remember most were (1) the office of the Ombudsman (the office that helps you navigate government), (2) the budget game we played (where we acted as public officials and apportioned available dollars across a much higher demand for those dollars), and (3) the fact that many of the actual officials showed up for each meeting. The fact that the course is now online made it possible for me to actually complete it this time, after two previous tries that were only in-person.

Chris Winston, VP of Strategic Alliances, Projetech, Inc.

Our Impact

Civics 101 has several illustrious alumni including former Mayor Jennifer Roberts and State Senator Joyce Waddell. Current Mecklenburg County Commissioner Susan Rodriguez-McDowell is also a graduate. Less than three years after participation in the LWVCM inaugural Civics 101, one participant took his seat as a member of Charlotte City Council. Another participant subsequently accepted an appointment to the Zoning Board of Adjustments and Appeals. Both credited the knowledge that they gained in the Civics 101 program for “showing them how to get involved in government” and how to have a “positive impact quickly.” They believe that Civics 101 was a perfect avenue for learning the initial information they needed to represent the people well. Additionally, some political candidates, who have participated in the program tout their Civics 101 experience in their campaign literature!

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