Pay Equity
Read about Equity Pay Day 2023
Major Local Employers Ranked on Gender Pay Equity
A significant gender pay gap exists in this country for women as a whole and especially for women of color. Closing the gap is essential to helping women achieve economic security.
The Women’s Issues Action Team, working with the Coalition for Pay Equity (CPE), has created a visual tool to help you understand how major local employers are paying women compared to men. Our tool is the Gender Pay Equity Scorecard, which ranks seven major companies on pay differences between men and women and related occupational segregation by sex.
A scorecard is a graphical representation of the progress over time toward some specified goal. Scorecards use visuals such as charts to present key performance indicators, so that management can adjust their strategy in a timely manner based on their actual performance, and so that you can see if the companies are living up to their promises.
Rankings are based on data the companies have released to the public.
The companies in the Scorecard, which all claim to pay women equitably, are
- Atrium Health
- Bank of America
- Duke Energy
- Lowe's
- Novant Health
- Truist
- Wells Fargo
Click here to see the 2022 Gender Pay Equity Scorecard ranking major Charlotte Mecklenburg companies. It was produced by the CPE, a group of local nonprofits organized in 2020 by League of Women Voters of Charlotte Mecklenburg (LWVCM).
BACKGROUND on Gender Pay Equity
Full-time working women earn 83 cents for every dollar paid to a man. If part-time workers are included, the ratio drops to 73 cents. The gap widens for Blacks, Native Americans, Latinas, and other women of color. Black, Native American and Latina women earn 58 cents, 50 cents and 49 cents respectively for every dollar a white, non-Hispanic man earns.
Graphic by Center for American Progress