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HomeEqual Rights Amendment

Equal Rights Amendment


The only right the US Constitution explicitly gives to both men and women is the right to vote. Women continue to confront workplace discrimination; health care inequities; disparate rates of poverty; rape and domestic violence assaults; and a lack of political parity.

The Equal Rights Amendment to the US Constitution would establish that men and women are persons of equal stature under the law. Having the ERA in the Constitution protects women’s rights today so that such rights cannot be removed by simply passing a new law.

Current status of the ERA
Thirty-eight states have ratified the ERA. Some believe that Congress needs to pass a law removing the deadline which was in the preamble (not the text) of the amendment. Congress created the deadline and has the power to remove, extend, or waive it.

What can you do?

On April 27, 2023, a Resolution was brought to a vote in the Senate to remove the arbitrary deadline for ratification and recognize the amendment as part of the Constitution.  With 98 of the 100 Senators present the majority –51—voted to place the ERA in the Constitution. Because of the filibuster rule requiring 60 votes, the resolution fell 9 votes short. Every Democrat and 2 Republicans (Senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins) voted for the ERA. There will be additional opportunities to vote on the resolution again in this same session of Congress.

Let's get tens of thousands of signatures on this petition! Please sign AND share the link with your contacts.

Ask your US Senators and Representative to support S.J.Res.1, which eliminates the deadline for the ratification of the equal rights amendment and clears the way for its final inclusion in the Constitution.  Make the contact today!
