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Become A Member! Or...Renew Today!

Who joins the League of Women Voters?

  • VOTERS who want to make government more responsive and accessible
  • MEN AND WOMEN who want to influence policies affecting their community, state and nation
  • MOTIVATED INDIVIDUALS interested in developing leadership, conflict resolution, lobbying and public speaking skills
  • BUSY PERSONS who want to support a thoughtful public policy agenda
  • THINKERS looking for a lively discussion of issues
  • NEWCOMERS AND LONG-TIME RESIDENTS who want to learn about key issues in their community
  • PARENTS concerned about the world their children will inherit
  • COMMITTED CITIZENS who want to work together to improve the quality of life in their world
  • EDUCATORS who want to help young people become informed citizens
  • STUDENTS who want to be well-informed about local, state, national and international issues and exert a positive influence.
These are the people who are members of the League of Women Voters of Charlotte Mecklenburg. While we are political, we are strictly non-partisan.

Whether you have lived here a long time or are new to the area, you will find in the League of Women Voters of Charlotte Mecklenburg people like you who want to be informed on the issues and make a difference in our community.

There are many ways to be involved, participate in our events and volunteer with us. We hope you will explore our website, fill out and mail in this form and become part of our involved civic organization that is regularly making an impact in the Charlotte Mecklenburg area, in the state of North Carolina and, by joining our colleagues in other states, nationally.

Membership Types:
Primary (1 person) - $75.00
Household (2 or more people, living in the same home) Primary $75.00 each additional $25.00
Student (16 or older - school of record will be requested) - $0.00

You can join/renew two ways:

1. New Member Signup via website (preferred).
2. Print and mail Membership Form to League office with payment.  

For more information, contact: 
Some ways to be involved:
  • Conduct voter registration drives
  • Create voter guides
  • Lobby on LWV issues such as education equity, ERA, voting rights
  • Join coalitions for reform
  • Examine current LWV issues and issues of shared concern
  • Network with well-informed, active members in local and state programs
  • Get involved in community service
  • Work with partner organizations